Community Foundation of Boone County Announces Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Recipients

Two students have been named recipients of four-year, full tuition scholarships as the Community Foundation of Boone County 2012 Lilly Endowment Community Scholars.

Scott Mohler and Becky Wornhoff will receive full tuition to the Indiana college of their choice and a $900 yearly stipend for required books and equipment.

Scott is the son of Lisa and Paul Mohler.  He will graduate from Western Boone Jr. Sr. High School and attend Purdue University in the fall to study Engineering.  An honor student, Scott’s many activities include four years of varsity soccer, lead roles in Western Boone musicals, Key Club, National Honor Society and serving as yearbook editor.  A 4-H member since third grade, Scott also lends his time to organizations such as Otterbein United Methodist Church and Western Boone Soccer Camp.  In 2007, at the age of 13, Scott opened a photography business and counts repaying his father for his start-up funding among his proudest accomplishments.  Scott was thrilled to be selected, stating “It’s great to do things for the community, not expecting anything in return, but being rewarded for it and knowing that people have recognized my contributions.”

Becky, daughter of Michele Thomas and Steve Wornhoff, will graduate from Lebanon High School and enter the University of Notre Dame in the fall as a Biology major.  Chosen as Prom and Homecoming Queen last year, Becky is also Captain of the varsity soccer and Brain Game teams.  Other activities include swim team, Key Club, Student Council, National Honor Society and mentoring.  Outside of school, Becky is an accomplished pianist and is active with St. Joseph’s Church and Lebanon Youth Soccer Association.  “I’ve wanted this scholarship to go to Notre Dame since fourth grade,” Becky tearfully explained.  “This is just a dream come true for me.”

Scott and Becky were chosen from more than 50 Boone County students who applied for the prestigious scholarships.  After CFBC’s scholarship committee interviewed nine finalists, it narrowed the field to the two nominees and alternates, and the finalists’ names were submitted to Independent Colleges of Indiana, Inc. (ICI) for selection of the recipients.  “It was a very difficult decision with so many fantastic candidates.  These kids made it really tough for us, but in the end Scott and Becky exemplified all that the Lilly Scholarships represent.  We look forward to seeing the great things they will do in the future,” commented Mark Ransom, Lilly Scholarship Committee Chair.

ICI is a nonprofit corporation that represents 31 regionally accredited degree granting, nonprofit, private colleges and universities in the state

The scholarships are the result of a statewide Lilly Endowment initiative to help Hoosier students reach higher levels of education.  Indiana ranks among the lowest states in the percentage of residents over the age of 25 with a bachelor’s degree.  There were 142 scholarships awarded statewide.