The Community Foundation of Boone County is proud to partner with The Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI to provide a two-day Fundraising for Small Nonprofits course to our local and surrounding county nonprofit leaders. When working in small nonprofits, people may find themselves feeling secluded at times, looking for more guidance, or longing for the ability to connect with others who have worked through the same trenches. This course is designed to equip you with a simple six-step framework, full of time-saving methods and lessons on how to both recruit and utilize board members, volunteers, and donors. You will leave this class with a plan to help meet your fundraising goals at your small nonprofit.
class schedule & registration
Fundraising for Small Nonprofits: March 13th & 14th, 8:30 am-5:00 pm, Hampton Inn, Whitestown
For all Boone County nonprofits (or nonprofits that serve Boone County), individuals may take the course for $50.00 upon the approval of grant and student application. Surrounding county nonprofit leaders may attend for $150.00—a savings of $50.00. Registration is $200.00 per individual if not part of a nonprofit.
Because space and funding are limited, we may not be able to accommodate all who apply. Application deadline is February 8, 2019. Applicants will be notified no later than February 14, 2019 of acceptance or denial. For more details and to apply, click here. Complete page two of the application and return to CFBC.
Once you submit your application above to Barb and receive an email that you have been accepted to the program, you can pay online here or send check to CFBC 102 N. Lebanon St. #200, Lebanon, IN 46052. Payment due before March 1, please. No refunds will be issued, but you can designate another person from your agency in the event of illness, emergency, or other conflict:
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